Rules & Regulations for Students

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  • The working hours of the College 7 hours per day.
  • During the working hours of the college, the student's teachers must be punctual and by the first stroke of the bell they must be seated in their classes.
  • Those who come late must attend the class only after getting permission from the Principal.
  • Leave should not be taken without Principal's permission.
  • There must be 85% of attendance for the student's teachers during the academic year. Those who fall short of the above specified attendance will not be entitled to appear for the University Examination.
  • Student Teachers must compulsorily wear identity card in the college campus and they must come with neat uniform.
  • During the training period, students should abide by the rules and regulations of the Government as well as the college and the concerned teaching practice school.
  • Meeting and discussions among students are not allowed inside the campus.
  • Cell phone use is strictly banned inside the campus.
  • Due respect must be paid to the Principal, Asst. Professors and office staff.
  • The values of truth, justice, honestly, love and help must learnt and practiced.
  • Student teacher must prepare silently the lessons for the next class during the class hours and interval between periods.
  • The practice of learning the lessons taught everyday by the teacher must be developed and the doubts in subjects must be cleared then and there.
  • When the students go for teaching practice to other school, they should realize their duties and responsibilities and act according to the rules.
  • Student's teacher must go silently in line the assembly, laboratory and playground.
  • Students should see the circulars and instructions in the notice board without fail. No reasons are accepted for the consequences of not seeing the notice board.
  • Students may inform their problems and demands to the principal in writing through the Suggestion Box.
  • Classroom is a sacred place which nature's knowledge, power and moral values. So class rooms must be promoted.
  • The midterm tests and public Exam conducted for the benefit of the student teachers must be taken up with responsibility and the academic standard must be promoted.
  • Students who indulge in 'Ragging' will be immediately dismissed from the college.